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A lot of clubs here at Birmingham sometimes go on field trips that are within California. Whether it is Freshman Counsel, Animation Club, BSU, or other clubs and sports, almost all of these groups go to competitions in state. Choir is one of the only clubs which is a class and only Women’s Choir and the Chamber Singers can go out-of-state to compete against other schools. The theater club, the BCCHS Thespian Society, is also another club that gets to go on out-of-state field trips like their annual New York City trip to see exciting landmarks and performances. They also get to see other noteworthy theaters, but mostly, this trip is for fun.
This trip to NYC cost less money than might be expected because this trip is an award for Play Production students that earned it through their hard work and sometimes, when there is enough room, some crew members can also go on this trip. This trip inspires other students that have a passion for theater and love to see theater shows. It’s a great opportunity for everyone that wants to have the chance to see theater shows. Students here at BCCHS should know what a great experience it is going to NYC and it is an amazing way to see what you’re really interested in.
As for this student, your writer, I am enrolled in Theater Tech and I am a crew member who wasn’t scheduled to go on the trip at first but on the Thursday morning before the Friday of the day of the play production trip to NYC, I was informed that I could go on the trip, but I just had to come up with $250 and be on time to the LAX Airport before 7:00 am!
What a great experience! It was wonderful but very, very cold. We were able to go and see three musicals, and also had the chance to go and explore a little while in Manhattan. This experience was very amazing–it was like Hollywood and Las Vegas mixed together in Times Square. We also went to see the Freedom Tower–where the old twin towers used to be.
The atmosphere had changed so much because at first it was all noisy and people were having fun. After we got close enough to see the memorial dedicated to the disappearance of the Twins Towers, it was quiet and very sad but everything else was very fun.”
During the trip to NYC, the theater class saw plays to see how the actors acts, how the stage lighting is set up, how the costumes are designed, how the stage props are set up, and to experience the expressions on the actors faces. The theater students went to three shows. The first was Avenue Q that was all about puppets. Another show was Chicago the musical, the production that we are doing this semester at BCCHS. The last show that the theater students saw was Wicked. All of these musicals are all represented as Broadways Shows in New York, a city that is known for its Broadway shows.
Some of the theater shows that are represented reflect or examine people’s lives and how they went from the bottom to the top of where they came from. For example, Rent is about eight people who almost all suffer from a disease and they all try to find a way to live their lives without any regret. These shows illustrate how real people deal with real problems in everyday life.