Senior Talent Show Canceled

January 30, 2015
Did you hear? The Senior Talent Show has been canceled! This is due to the lack of sign ups. Ever since a couple years ago, less and less students have entered. About only 15 people had signed up this year. Compared to about the 25 last year, that’s ten less!
According to Mr Kelly, Senior Class Adviser, the show had been going on for 20 years. This is the first time in a long time it had been canceled.
It’s not like Birmingham hasn’t got talent. There are plenty of singers, rappers, dancers, artists, and even jugglers roaming the halls. Given, some are hidden, shy, or reserved, but there’s definitely more than 15 or 25 in our school of about 3,000! However, most of those outgoing students are already taken with their own club projects, like the Choir Love Concert, February 12th, Thursday.
What does this mean for next year? If the show is canceled this year, will anyone know to pick it up next year? All these questions! Only time will tell.