2019 BCCHS Winter Formal Preview

The new prices and dates regarding the Winter Formal dance.

Gissel Garcia and Isamar Torres

Last year has come to an end, and we have recently embraced the start of the second semester of school. That means we now have an upcoming and highly-anticipated school event–the winter formal dance.

Our BCCHS sophomore and freshman councils have  united to plan and host Birmingham’s 2019 Winter Formal Dance, “A Night Under the Stars.” The dance will take place on Saturday, February 23, a little more than a week after Valentine’s Day. It was originally scheduled to be held on February 9, but the dance has been  moved back to be able to plan more accurately.  This new later date makes this dance a great way to show a loving gesture after Valentine’s Day.

Tickets will be sold starting January 16 through February 22. Prices will go up during the last week by five dollars, and will not be sold at the door. The dance will be filled with music and decorations along with having a photo booth that will capture every starry moment.

Both councils will host a pep rally on Monday, February 11, in the main gym. This will be an event to promote the dance and have fun with team-building games. So, Patriots, make sure to mark your calendars for these important dates.