Trump’s Legal Plan to Overturn the Election is Failing Badly
December 4, 2020
As the 2020 presidential election came to an end days after election night, declaring Joe Biden and Kamala Harris the President and Vice President-elect, many Republicans believe the election to be a conspiracy in order to take President Trump out of office.
In the midst of counting the votes after election night, the Trump campaign and its supporters believe that the election was rigged in President-elect Joe Biden’s favor as red states were turning blue–without any evidence of tampering from the democrats of the Biden campaign.
Key battleground states for each candidate such as Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada, and Georgia were still in the process of counting votes after election night.

However, on election night, each state was giving President Trump a lead in the polls at the start, but in the end, turned blue and gave their votes to Biden.
Wisconsin and Michigan were also key battleground states, with both at the beginning favoring Trump, but after considerable time counting votes, declared Biden the winner, giving him the lead and helping him win the election.

With the news that the projected winner of the election will be Biden, President Trump, his campaign managers, and supporters all believe that the votes in Wisconsin and Michigan are fraud votes- meaning votes that are for Biden were fake, but votes for Trump were to be trusted.
Trump supporters flooded the streets in protest. One of the biggest areas where these protests were held was in Phoenix, Arizona, where hundreds of Trump supporters standing outside of the Maricopa County Elections Department chanted “Count the votes!” Ironically, another protest in Michigan had Trump supporters chanting “Stop the count!”
Since election day, President Trump has announced that he and his legal team were planning to pursue multiple election lawsuits in a hope that he can reclaim his supposed win–and legally he can. According to Harvard Law professor Nicholas Stephanopoulos, “there have been something like 30 or 40 of these lawsuits filed in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, and so on. To this point, dozens of defeats have piled up for the Trump campaign.”

On the Monday after election results, Trump’s campaign gave up on multiple federal lawsuits, including one regarding the election results on Pennsylvania, where Biden won by over 73,000 votes. Trump supporters also dropped lawsuits in Michigan, Georgia, and Wisconsin- and yes, Trump supporters are also challenging the legal system by filing lawsuits on behalf of President Trump to overturn election results.
Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani of New York is helping to defend and represent President Trump in these legal battles. During a Tuesday hearing in Pennsylvania for one of Trump’s biggest federal lawsuits relating to the 2020 election results, U.S. District Judge Matthew Brann was puzzled as Giuliani claimed the election was rigged, without offering any evidence.

Brann then told Giuliani, “At bottom, you’re asking this court to invalidate some 6.8 million votes, thereby disenfranchising every single voter in the commonwealth.” Brann then asked him at the court hearing, “Can you tell me how this result could possibly be justified?”
Giuliani then responded, “If this is allowed without serious sanction, it’s going to become an epidemic.” He then continued, “It’s already happened. You give them an inch, they’ll take a mile. They stole an election, at least in this commonwealth.”
With the hearing stretching into Tuesday night, Brann said that he would not make a final decision on the case before Friday, leaving Giuliani’s and Trump’s last chances to overturn Pennsylvania’s election results are slim to none.
As of now, the president continues to claim that the democratic party rigged the election, and has still not conceded Biden’s presidential win.
( Tweet from Donald Trump)
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 16, 2020