Amy Coney Barrett: Newly-Confirmed Supreme Court Justice
January 24, 2021
With the passing of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, there has been a search for a new Justice to fill in a seat in replacement of Ginsburg, and that person is the recently appointed Amy Coney Barrett. As the Senate voted 52-48 in her favor in October, Barrett was confirmed to serve as a new U.S. Supreme Court Justice.

On September 26, President Donald Trump announced his nomination of Barrett in a ceremony in the White House Rose Garden. Following this announcement, many Americans were outraged because of Barrett’s controversial stand on abortion laws as they are the exact opposite of what Ginsberg fought for when she was a Justice.
Judge Barrett thanked President Trump for nominating her, for “entrusting me with this profound responsibility” and called her nomination an “honor of a lifetime.”

Judge Barrett, is a 48-year-old conservative who has worked as a long-term academic. She studied at Notre Dame and became a professor at the University of Notre Dame’s Law School. She graduated first in her class and was a clerk to Justice Antonin Scalia, who was on the Supreme Court. In her nomination speech, she brought up Judge Scalia saying, “I clerked for Justice Scalia more than 20 years ago, but the lessons I learned still resonate. His judicial philosophy is mine, too.”
One of the public’s main concern with her confirmation is the worry that she will undo the work her predecessor, Justice Ginsberg, once did on abortion rights for women in America. Judge Ginsburg made history in the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court case by endorsing abortion rights during her Judge confirmation hearing and fought hard for women’s rights through her time as a Judge.

Judge Barrett, on the other hand, is a conservative, and it is of no surprise as to where she stands on abortion regulations. President Trumps’ main purpose in appointing her was so that she can override Roe. v. Wade, the landmark case that decided it was a constitutional right for women to have an abortion.
However, the Supreme Court, though leaning right, may not challenge Roe v. Wade anytime soon, as the court prefers to consider cases that could chip away at abortion regulations relating to the case. But as American society itself is leaning more left as the years go on, and with the majority of Americans holding pro-choice ideologies, many citizens will oppose reopening the case.
With Judge Barrett now confirmed, the U.S. Supreme Court now leans further to the right, as President Trumps’ final plan to leave his final mark on this country. President Joe Biden has since been sworn into office as the 46th President of the United States.

However, in a now-disclosed private phone call with Judge Barrett, President Trump signaled to her that he expected her to rule in his favor regarding the recent election issue.
According to Judge Barrett, Trump reportedly said, “I hired you to get a job done, and you didn’t get it done. You’re out of here.” he said angrily to her. Sources who were reportedly in the room when Trump made the call, said that after the call, he muttered, “If I can’t fire anybody I want, maybe I don’t want to be President anymore.”