Senior Sunset Drive-Thru Event a Huge Success
May 18, 2021
Birmingham Community Charter High School wanted to do something special for their senior students. The administration, ASB, and the Senior Council wanted to create an event because senior students were learning online and missing out on typical fun-filled senior events. So they created a unique drive-thru event for senior students and their families.
The plan included giving out free food and free items. These items are lawn signs, t-shirts, sunglasses, necklaces, and glow sticks. The free food was The Habit hamburgers and french fries. The hamburgers were given out to the first 400 seniors.
Bright, colorful emails were sent to teachers and students about this event. They also posted a daily countdown on social media untilĀ March 18, the day of the event.
A DJ was brought in to play music to hype up the seniors and teachers. Other features included different stations where free items were given out and a light show.

All seniors had to arrive in a car and everyone had to wear a mask. No seniors were allowed to exit their vehicles. Seniors had to provide their student ID number to be allowed to enter. Also, seniors could only go through the event once.

This event let seniors, teachers, counselors, and school staff, finally see each other again. This time it was not between a screen and students were back on campus.
The event started at 6:30 p.m. and finished at 8:30 p.m. The decision was made to make it this late in the day because there was a drive-in light show. It was well-attended and very well-received by everyone and the next day was a minimum day.
Some seniors were unable to go because of personal reasons, but most of the seniors who did go had a great time. One of the seniors who went was Ruben Valdez. When asked about his experience, he said, “It was fun to hang out with his friends.” Also, when asked if the school could have done anything better, he said, “No, they did a good job.”

Many seniors took to social media to share their experiences. A lot of them were very uplifting to see because they were remembering the old days at school.