On February 14, 2024, the fictional character Madame Web from Marvel Studio Comics was released as a Sony movie. This comic and movie is based on a woman who gains psychic abilities by accident and gathers a group of spider women to fight villains. Fans were very excited when Sony announced it would be made into a movie. The trailer played everywhere with comic fans going to its opening night on Valentine’s Day. Once it came out, there was a big controversy with many liking this Sony production, but also others saying it was the worst superhero movie ever made.
It is believed that the reason many people don’t like it is because of the bad acting and the fact that it was a Sony production rather it being a Marvel one. In addition, it was also said that the plot was very confusing to understand, but that the film had really good special effects and fighting scenes. Due to all the negative reviews and the fact that many people say it was poorly written, it was revealed that Madame Web will not be having a second movie made. The plot was so inartfully expressed that people would recommend the movie because of how bad it was.
Madame Web, although it did have a good list of well-known actors, could have done way better in the making of the movie with its production budget being $80 million. Sony did end up making some profit, $19.8 million out of the $99.8 million, from the box office, it was also rated the worst movie of the year. The movie lasted about 1 hour and 56 minutes and it was filled with bland dialogue. It was rated only 12% by Rotten Tomatoes, 3.8/10 by IMDb, and 26% by Metacritic.
I asked a few Birmingham students who saw Madame Web for their opinion about it and here’s what they had to say. “It was so boring, the plot was all over the place, and one certain part where it was supposed to be funny just ended up being embarrassing. One of the worst superhero movies this year,” said Timothy Reyder (12). “They had a really good cast but their acting was terrible or maybe the director did a bad job writing the script. The whole movie was very confusing to follow and the only good parts were the fight scenes, but those were already shown in the trailer,” said Gisel De La Torre (12).