The Patriot Post

The student news site of Birmingham Community Charter High School

The student news site of Birmingham Community Charter High School

The Patriot Post

The student news site of Birmingham Community Charter High School

The Patriot Post


2024 BCCHS Met Gala & Enchanted Forest Prom at Camarillo Ranch Created Lasting Memories

LED 2024 Prom Display for seniors pictures at the prom. (photo: Joaldi Diaz (12th))

The class of 2024 prom took place at Camarillo Ranch on May 4, 2024. Students from Birmingham were excited as they arrived at their prom night. The prom theme this year was Met Gala and Enchanted Forest.

The prom started at 7 p.m. and ended at 11 p.m. It was a dark and gloomy night, but students came dressed in their best attire and their dates and friends were ready to enjoy the night and make memories.

After entering the ranch, seniors walked along a red carpet with twinkling lights and they were able to take beautiful pictures. The barn was filled with laughter, people ready to dance, and the DJ played the music throughout the night. Outside of the historical house at the ranch was the dinner in which there were tables, decorations, heaters, and tons of food, drinks, and desserts for everyone to enjoy. The night featured seniors socializing with one another and the greatness of the ranch’s architecture presented itself as the perfect backdrop for memorable prom photos.

BCCHS senior Joaldi Diaz described his prom experience and said, “Prom was actually really fun! I enjoyed the venue and the food. I liked how there were many different activities to do. I also enjoyed what they did with the pictures, and I took many that evening. I liked how there was a bar table inside to provide drinks because it was really hot inside.”

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Students danced all night in the barn, while others were exploring the ranch’s grounds, taking pictures, enjoying arcade games, and taking advantage of the photo booths with their significant other and friends. The most beautiful touch of the night was that there was a carriage students could get on and take a little trip around the grounds.

As the night came to an end, many seniors enjoyed the last moments as they left their prom night with memories and cherished moments with friends.

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