SLC Special Events and Field Trips
October 28, 2015
There are many special events and field trips to look forward to this year. Each SLC has planned a variety of special events and field trips for the year. Technology and Business, Digital Media, Mash, CAL, Freshmen Academy, and PVA are each planning various trips, movie nights, and other special events. Each academy is excited to show school spirit in these events and show the school what their academy is all about. Be sure to not miss out on these events and be ready to show your Patriot pride.

Tech and Business will also be attending lots of field trips throughout the semester. When Mr.Monaster was asked where they would be going he said there planning to take their Eco Cal-d pathway to a Water Reclamation Facility. He thinks going to places like these provide the students with an experimental learning environment, and motivate them to explore and experience new things, like dirty water being turned into clean drinking water. He believes this will inspire them to think and come up with never thought of ideas to help our environment and “completely change their perspective on things”. He also said they would be going to Beach Clean-Ups, the Getty Museum, and hopefully touring many colleges. Although these field trips are only for about 150 students, he hopes they can plan additional field trips like the Walking Tour, an LA Construction site, because places like these are where students learn to think and be creative. To administer all these trips Tech and Business has a grant for field trips and does some fundraising when necessary to take as many trips as possible.

CAL is one of the biggest academies in the school. They have planned multiple field trips and a big portion of the school events coming up in the school year. The head teacher of CAL, Mrs.Wydra allowed us to interview her about what special events they are planning to have. When asked what field trips they were planning Mrs.Wydra said they would be attending the Valley College Fair on September 26, and teachers will make breakfast for the students going. CAL will also be having their annual College Bound field trip when they go tour many collages over the weekend. She also added they were going to have people going to classrooms to talk to the students and give them advice on college and what to expect. Cal’s engineering pathway will exclusively be taking a trip to Space X, and the Law pathway will have a court trip. Finally, Cal will be having a Senior Banquet for all the seniors to receive their awards and a senior field trip toward the end of the year. She also said they have many movie nights planned and hope to raise money to make more events and go on more field trips. Cal will be taking these fieldtrips to emphasize college awareness in its students and show them all the possibilities life offers.

The Freshmen Academy, led by Mrs.Sellers, is planning career days. Mrs.Seller said the purpose of these career days is to make sure freshmen students are exposed to a variety of careers and see what’s out there. They chose to do career day because students get excited when their more hands on and explore all the possibilities. All freshmen are allowed and encouraged to participate and learn new things. Mrs. Seller hopes to go on more trips like touring universities so students can get a feel of campus life and everything that it takes to be a successful student.

The Mash Academy has many exciting events planned for this year. Mr. Dinielli is the lead teacher of the MASH academy, so he allowed us to interview him. We were informed that one of the events that will be held by the MASH academy is going to be trips to college’s such as USC, and SDSU. Mr. Dineilli said that only about 50 students will be allowed to participate in the college field trips but for school related events such as movie nights, anyone is welcome to join in on the fun and show your school spirit.

PVA is very excited to entertain the school with many special events. We interviewed Emilio Moncado, and Jacqueline Cardona. They are both in Mr. Weiss’s theater class. PVA students will be performing and for anyone who wants to attend the play Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The theater students are exclusivly taking a trip to New York with the money they have raised for 2 years. They will be attending the Chicago, Blue Man Group, and Phantom of the Oprah show. Come and support PVA and have fun.

Digital Media has many special event and field trips planned out for their students. Ms. Habloy the head teacher of the Media academy allowed us to interview her. She let us know that digital media will be hosting movie nights in the month of October to start the Halloween spirit. Ms. Habloy also stated that only the students in the digital media academy will be allowed to participate in the field trips to colleges such as CSUN and UC Irvine. Approximately 100 students will be allowed on the trip. Support digital media and have fun in their events.
All SLC’s are excited to contribute to the school by hosting these events and field trips. Students will benefit in many ways with these upcoming events and field trips . Each SLC focuses specifically on one type of field trip or career setting and plans the events and field trips thinking about what the students are interested in. Support all the SLCs and participate in their trips and events.