Daniel Pearl Music Festival

November 5, 2015
The Daniel Pearl Music Festival was an amazing event in which many students were reminded of this marvelous journalist and Birmingham graduate who died in Pakistan at the hands of his captors while covering the war in the Middle East. It’s nice to know that his memory lives on today. He was a journalist for the Wall Street Journal, a Stanford University graduate and a very talented violinist. He was killed and captured by Pakistani militants in 2002. The Daniel Pearl Music Festival was directed by our own students from Birmingham and their performances were spectacular. The Chamber Singers sang so proudly and so beautifully and with such passion that it brought joy to the audience. They sang their heart out for what was right. Daniel Pearl was a passionate journalist who wanted to connect the world with words and music.
Daniel Pearl was also a talented violinist who was a former music and journalism student here at Birmingham–shocking right. During the ceremony honoring his life, our former student Bonnie (last name unavailable) played her heart out on the violin. She played with such pride and her music brought joy and peace to the audience. You could truly tell this violinist touched the audience’s heart when they stayed quiet and heard the peaceful music playing. Another spectacular performance was done by one of our former students, Alexis Reyes, and he danced what is called Aerial Silks. Everyone could feel his passion by the way he danced with such pride and joy. This all leads back to Daniel Pearl, the former journalist who just wanted everyone to express themselves in way that they love. Daniel Pearl left an impact on everyone he met and I think we could do that too in everyday life. Daniel Pearl is honored for everything he did with such pride and I think we could to do that too if we do and write and say whatever we believe in. Let Daniel Pearl be a role model for us