Southwest Indian DIY Project

October 28, 2015
In the southwest of the United States there are 5 Native American tribes the Apache, Hopi, Navajo, Pueblo, and Zuni. Southwest Indians lived in villages, spending most of their time making beautiful things like pottery, art and music. Most of this art and music contains deep spiritual beliefs, dreams, and visions. The climate of the Southwest is hot and dry, as most of the land is a desert, making water a very important resource in this culture. They have strict rules about the use of water and have taught their young children to be careful with the use of water. Being in the desert, they needed to find ways to get food, so they started farming.
The Zuni and Hopi created dolls that were called Kachina dolls, and they are carved out of wood. In addition, they decorated masks and costumes to represent the Kachina. The dolls helped children in the tribe learn ceremonies. Turquoise is a stone used in jewelry that the Native Americans looked at and regarded them as symbols of health, happiness, and good fortune.These tribes learned how to manipulate silver from the Mexicans inhabiting the region.
Perhaps the tribes’ greatest skill is basket weaving. Young girls learn how to do their chores such as making food, weaving baskets, and sewing early on in life. Young men learn how to make weapons and how to hunt for food for their family. Moccasins are the usual footwear worn by these southwest Native Americans. Some tribes also grow cotton to use for clothing during cold winters. The southwest cultural area is located between the Rocky Mountains and the Mexican Sierra Madre Mountain Range.