Men’s Patriot Volleyball Team Starts Strong
Volleyball team picture include Ozzy Santos, Daniel Lopez, Camrelo Pelais , Romeo Carballo, Marcelo Perdomo, Moises Garcia,coach Tyler.
March 17, 2016
The players on the BCCHS Volleyball Team don’t get recognized for their funny jokes and awesome work; they get recognized for their skill on the court. Some of the older players and incoming players show great promise in this year’s upcoming matches. These boys are also very well mannered and well spoken, they know what they want to do with their life. They aren’t afraid to show off their goofy personalities. Some of the boys on the team that were interviewed included Ozzy Santos (10th), Daniel Lopez (12th), Camrelo Pelais (9th), Romeo Carballo ( 12th), Marcelo Perdomo (10th), and Moises Garcia (10th).
When asked about joining the team, Santos replied, “It just seemed like an interesting sport and my friends all tried out.” Lopez replied with “My skills could meet up to being an all-city player.” In addition Lopez, Carballo, and Perdomo, want to go to UCLA. Pelais and Garcia want to attend NYU while Santos wants to go to Ohio State University. Pelais said he had been playing for 2 years and Perdomo added that volleyball was “challenging.”
As anyone can see, these young star athletes were getting prepared for their first game which was against February 25 against Kennedy High School. The Patriots won that match 3-0 and then went on to defeat Monroe 3-1 on March 2nd. The third match of the year was a tight one with Birmingham losing to Poly 3-2. Don’t forget to show your school spirit and go to the rest of the games throughout the season. Good job volleyball boys and keep up the good work!