The Next Step: Life After High School

The many paths someone can take after high school.
March 29, 2016
As many seniors surely know, high school is coming to an end this year and it is approaching rapidly. Many seniors are scared at the thought of high school ending, but I personally am not because there are a lot of great things that seniors can do once they graduate. Seniors can do things like go to college, get a job, or travel once they are done with high school and they won’t have to worry about the five-day school week getting in the way of their busy schedule.
The normal path for students to take after high school is to go to college. A lot of high school students are worried about college and the experiences they are going to have once they get to college. I personally am going to be starting my first year of college at CSUN next year, and I’ve talked to multiple people about what I should expect once I get there. What many people have told me about college is that it isn’t that hard unless you don’t study. I have also been told that students have a lot of free time during college because schedules can be made so the person doesn’t need to attend class on a daily basis.
This free time students have also gives them the chance to get a job and work on the days they aren’t attending school. Getting a job is a good thing for students to do because it gives them an opportunity to be introduced to the “real world.” The experience of having a job also builds social skills and helps students get used to dealing with people that can be difficult to work with which is bound to happen no matter where someone works. Having a job also makes students need to find a balance between work and school–which will benefit them in the future by making them better at handling two things at the same time.
What many students tend to do the summer after high school is to travel. Europe is a popular travel destination for seniors who wish to see the world. Traveling to foreign countries is a lot of fun for students because they learn about the culture and history of countries all around the world. Life after high school sounds very exciting and I personally cannot wait to start that chapter in my life.