The Dangers of Texting and Driving

April 8, 2016
Texting and driving is a very dangerous thing to do, and it causes many accidents every year. Teens are generally thought of as the only type of people to text, but that isn’t true because many adults also text and drive. However, whether a person is a teenager or an adult, texting and driving is unacceptable.
There are a lot of shocking statistics that are about how often someone will text and drive, and the consequences that come along with doing it. Statistics show that at any given moment, 660,000 people are texting and driving. There are also more than one and a half million texting and driving related accidents every year. It has become so common that 25% of all accidents in the U.S. are due to texting and driving. Sadly, 11 teenagers die every day due to texting while they are driving. This statistic is particularly disturbing because young lives that have their whole life ahead of them are being taken away since they still feel the need to send a text instead of focusing on the road.
Teenagers and adults everywhere need to stop texting and driving for the sake of their lives and the lives of others. Many people don’t realize that every time they text and drive, they are putting the lives of others in dangers along with their own. So the next time you think about answering a text while driving, think about the risk you’re putting you and others in. Remember, texting and driving is considered as bad as or worse than drinking and driving!