“Should all cars advance to become self driving vehicles?”
November 4, 2016
“Should all cars advance to become self driving vehicles?”
Cars are beginning to advance into being no drivers instead of having an actual person behind the wheel. Some people may argue it is important to learn how to drive because of the tradition of the older generation teaching the newcomers of what responsibility is. Others may say that if the world is moving on to take the driving task off our shoulders then, what’s the point of learning how to drive?
Teenagers are always stressed though many adults may not see it. It’s understandable because adults have their own life to live and their own stress to deal with, but a common mistake is to compare the different stress on the same level which lowers the importance of the teenager. At the young age of fifteen is when you can start the driving process and follow the path into obtaining your license. It seems like a simple task, but not everyone is ready for it or ever will be. They may have a license, but everyone has seen at least one person out of the streets that makes you wonder, “Who gave them a license?!” that and a few curse words after. Not everyone may be cut out to actually drive, so why should we force them? Driverless cars may actually be beneficial for both sides, so people who actually know how to control their car can be right next to the ones who need a little help.
Though not everything can be so perfect, there are downsides to the idea of letting cars be driverless in that way. Just like the phone you have in your pocket, it crashes, freezes, and could even magically catch on fire because we never know what to expect with technology. It is something that we will never be able to be actually done with because we are always advancing. That’s why there’s always something new in the Apple store each year or even in a few months because of all the new ideas to make a certain thing better. If all cars were driverless then who says that it is guaranteed that there would be no more accidents? No one and who knows? It may actually cause even more accidents.
Driverless cars are just another step towards Terminator’s world. People need to be in control of their life and be taught responsibility or then they’ll just be another mindless robot. A mother can’t keep her little bird in the nest all day, as they’re going to have to learn to spread their wings and fly. Each person is scared of life and no one is ever going to be fully ready to take that step into maturity, but life isn’t going to stop just for you. You’re going to have to face it and in this case, by taking control of that wheel and learning how to drive.
When the person is behind the wheel and they have all the control for that car, it’s a feeling that no one can take away. The experience of learning and getting out on the street is something that should make you proud and take you a step closer into the long path of actually being ready for life. It may not seem like much right now, but if driverless cars come to take over, then people are going to begin to miss that milestone and by then it’d be too late. Driverless cars are cool, but it’s better if we stay in control of the wheel.