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The Patriot Post

The student news site of Birmingham Community Charter High School

The student news site of Birmingham Community Charter High School

The Patriot Post

The student news site of Birmingham Community Charter High School

The Patriot Post

Ashley Monzon

Ashley Monzon, Staff Writer

Ashley Monzon is a 16-year-old junior at Birmingham Community Charter High School. She was born on March 16, 2008, and she is the only cousin in her family, and she has no siblings. Her aunt raised her due to her mom working a lot. She feels as if these cousins she grew up with are her siblings, so when someone asks her if she has any siblings, she says yes. She enjoys spending time with her family and friends so she tries her best to stay in touch with them. Starting freshman year, she felt nervous about starting somewhere new and so much bigger than her middle school. Throughout her time at Birmingham, she began to become more comfortable and find her way around school easily.

Ashley is half Guatemalan and half Honduran. She has only visited Honduras because her mom would go to visit her family.  She loves to travel with her family and see new places. Some activities she likes to do are watching shows with her parents or alone in her room, going on walks around her neighborhood, and hanging out with her friends.  Sometimes she may come off as shy to new people, but she isn’t. Once she gets comfortable, she’s a completely different person. Unlike her mom and cousins, she doesn’t enjoy going shopping much because she gets bored quickly.

Her goal in life is being able to get into a good job to start providing for her parents the same way they provide for her. She dreams of being an ultrasound technician or anything in the medical field.  She’d love to buy her parents a nice house and for them to not have any worries. Her dream right now is to get her driver’s license so she can drive herself to school and hang out with her friends. She hopes to get into an amazing university to make her parents proud of her.

All content by Ashley Monzon