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The Patriot Post

The student news site of Birmingham Community Charter High School

The student news site of Birmingham Community Charter High School

The Patriot Post

The student news site of Birmingham Community Charter High School

The Patriot Post

Cary Collins

Cary Collins, Creative Arts Editor

Cary Collins is a senior at BCCHS and is in the Media SLC. Cary loves skateboarding, photography, art, writing, and reading books on his spare time. He is 17 years old and has one brother and one sister. He one day hopes to earn a degree in American literature and write novels and pursue his other interests in the arts as well as skateboarding. Cary is quite fond of punk music and loves waking up the next morning sore and covered in bruises from the mosh pits he takes part in on a regular basis. His favorite school subjects are English and physics; he is also a coffee lover and enjoys Mexican food. He hopes to end his senior year successfully and graduate on stage with the rest of his classmates.

All content by Cary Collins