Racheal Musimenta is a 17-year-old junior attending Birmingham Community Charter High School. Born on February 12, 200, in Kampala, Uganda, she dreams of becoming a neurosurgeon or interpreter one day. Racheal isn’t yet exactly sure what career she wants to follow, but those two have a separate passion for her. For instance, she feels like she has always had such a close connection when it comes to the anatomy of the human brain. Neurology has been a very huge interest for her ever since she was in middle school. Racheal also loves makeup and she dreams that in the future she can create a makeup brand that becomes successful. Racheal wants to create something that won’t just make her happy, but also others around her. Racheal is the oldest, and first generation in her family who is planning on attending college. That motivates her to work as hard as she can to be able to accomplish her goals and dreams of a life that her parents weren’t able to experience at her age.
Besides her dream career, she loves listening to music. Racheal’s favorite artists are Radio Head, Jeff Buckley, Lana del Rey, and Billie Elish. She finds listening to music helps her ability to focus–especially when she has assignments to do. Listening to music helps her think better and just provides a better vibe for studying. Another thing Racheal loves doing while listening to music is scrolling on Pinterest. Pinterest for her is her safe place. She’s able to express herself by creating cool boards of things she loves. Besides music and Pinterest, she loves Gilmore Girls. Gilmore Girls is her comfort show, which gives her motivation in school. She believes everyone deserves to have a comfort show that helps them either mentally or just in general. For her, Gilmore Girls is just that. Her favorite character is Rory as she inspires Racheal to work her hardest in school and keep going for her goals.
Rachael wants to move to New York City and attend her dream school, NYU. Going to New York City has been a very big goal for Racheal since middle school, and loves everything about the New York City vibe. She loves New York City apartments and dreams of living in New York City in the future. She thinks it’s very aesthetic, and would go with the vibe of where she sees her life. She loves NYU, especially because they don’t have a campus. So it is like the real New York City experience. Racheal also loves journalism, especially since she’s always been journaling, even at a young age as a kid. So writing in general has always been something really easy for her to do, and something that she enjoys and is a stress reliever for her. Just being able to write, regardless of what it is about, and being able to write her thoughts out on paper means a lot to her.
Rachael has never owned a pet before in her life, but in the future, she hopes to own a cat. She feels as if cats are her spirit animal, and just bring so much comfort and peace to her. From how adorable they are, to how they bring lots of comfort to her. Another thing she loves is cooking. Racheal loves cooking because it’s a way for her to enjoy eating what she makes. She enjoys cooking various things and is currently learning to cook other foods besides her normal cooking. She is learning new dishes from different cultures and she finds it entertaining but also fun to be able to cook what she loves. Overall, Racheal has various interests and goals she plans on accomplishing. From her goal of going to college, her career choices, her hobbies, and her taste in music and shows. She has various interests and is determined to do what makes her happy.