Instagram Still Popular Around the World

Sara De La Cruz and Kaflin Giron

Instagram is a social networking site that allows users to share photos and videos. The app was created by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger. It first debuted in 2010 and is still active to this day. This platform is provided for everyone all around the world. People are able to do a lot of different things with the variety of features that the Instagram app contains such as: video recording up to 15 seconds, images viewing up to 10 seconds, unlimited story additions, view tracker, and messages and posts can be sent directly to an specific user or group. Users are able to call one or three other users at a time. Also the story features GIFS, polls, and question stickers that allow your followers to share their answers and stay in contact with you. They are many more entertaining things that the public can enjoy through Instagram that has increased the app’s popularity.

Instagram story feature

While being an active user in this platform you seem to encounter different content that other people are posting, sharing or is simply trending. Some of it can be videos of countless of things, for instance: makeup tutorials, dance routines, memes, and photography.  Johanna Castillo, a current senior at Birmingham states, “I’ve seen a lot of dancing videos and people singing on trending, so I’d say that’s pretty popular among the Instagram community.” Castillo’s statement shows, from her experience, what seems to always appear on her feed and what she believes is the most popular content.

At the moment, there are 77.6 million active users, which explains why you can find many different things that are being shared by people all over the world. However, among all the millions of users, the same things are being viewed and posted again and again, giving the chance for many more people to view the same thing and make it trend on Instagram.

Instagram personal profile & feed

When it came to searching for some Instagram trends and how they affect people, we asked another current Birmingham senior, Genesis Villatoro, what drives her attention in following certain users.  She explained,”When it comes to Instagram accounts, my attention is usually focused on the aesthetic of one’s post, so like the way they take pictures or the themes they use in their pictures.” Villatoro explained that her personal interest from what she sees through the app helps her choose what to follow, and that allows her to see more of the user’s content.

Throughout all these years, Instagram has been active and people around the world have all seemed to be interested about the same things, eventually causing the whole process of making these posts popular by the minute.

Most importantly, it’s popularity helps the app obtain more users and maintain more activity for its present users.  As a result, it is clear that the app can continue to offer many fun and interesting things to everyone.  Instagram will always be popular for this generation–as long as people continue using it and help increase its global content.