BCCHS Seniors Worried About the Future of 2022 Prom
Prom decoration with disco balls and fire sparkler
October 25, 2021
In a time of uncertainty, students have mixed feelings about having prom during a pandemic and the protocols that may come with it.
Students have been used to Covid-19 safety regulations since before the physical return to school. It is due to these conditions that most students are already familiar with testing and mask mandates. The commonplace familiarity with the safety measures makes some students more at ease with social gatherings such as a prom.
“I feel like seniors should do Covid-19 testing two days before the prom to guarantee that we’re all clear to enjoy prom without masks,” senior Celeste Salazar said.
The reliance on testing can give students some peace of mind to enjoy their night with low risks. The instability of our social climate raises some doubt of prom even happening–leaving some students to already plan ahead and make back-up plans such as having events at home if prom is not possible.
“If it comes to us not making it (to prom), then we can figure something out with friends,” Salazar says. As seniors readjust to life back on campus, they have some hope to make it to prom with regulations; however, they are prepared for whatever drastic changes may occur.