Ireri Torres, Staff Writer
Ireri Torres is a 17-year old senior at Birmingham Charter High School. Ireri's high school experience has consisted of moving schools three times throughout her high school years. The first high school she attended was Cesar Chavez Learning Academy, her second school was Daniel Pearl Magnet High School, and the school she attends now is Birmingham Charter High School. Ireri is in her second year at Birmingham and it is her first year attending the school in person, on campus. California is Ireri's home state and she lives in the San Fernando Valley with her small family and her two dogs.
Gardening is one of Ireri's main hobbies. She loves to spend long periods of time taking care of her plants and admiring them. Another one of her hobbies is painting. She loves to paint plants and anything that comes to her mind. She is an introvert and spends the majority of her time at home. When Ireri does go out, she loves to hang out at the beach or Nursery gardens. She loves anything that has to do with nature when she feels the need to go out. In the future, Ireri plans to attend college and study either psychology or botany. Her dream colleges are UCLA and the University of San Diego.
Overall, Ireri is a quiet person around others she does not know but is outgoing around people she's comfortable with. She tends to get along with everyone around her and is a friendly person. Even though she is an introvert, she loves to socialize with others around school or the people around her.