Teen Wolf MTV Series Transforms Into Streaming Feature Film
October 29, 2021
Do you love to watch shows/movies that are supernatural, keep you on your feet, have drama, AND teen romance? Then you might want to watch out for the upcoming Teen Wolf movie.
The television show Teen Wolf first premiered on MTV in June of 2011. After seven years and six seasons, the show ended in September 2017. Many of the fans were upset to see the MTV show come to an end, but the fans are now very excited about the upcoming news.
On September 28, 2021, Teen Wolf News reported that MTV Entertainment now has a three-picture option with MGM. The company will decide, based on the strength of the first film, whether to exercise the option for the sequels. There is no specific date for when the movie should premiere, all we know is that we should be expecting it sometime next year in 2022. We also do not know for certain if the original cast will be a part of the upcoming film, and the fans are still waiting for upcoming news from the producers and cast.
Teen Wolf is a streaming feature film based on the supernatural drama television series created by Jeff Davis. The show revolves around high school students who live in Beacon Hills, California. One of the main characters is bitten by a werewolf which causes his life to go into a whole downward spiral. There are many other supernatural characters that appear throughout the show and during each season. If you are someone who enjoys anything supernatural and time-consuming shows, then this is must-see television that you should definitely consider watching.
You can watch Teen Wolf (the television show) on the following streaming services:
Hulu, Vudu, Google Play, YouTube, and Apple TV.