One and Only

December 12, 2014
You’re the one I cannot live without
This is certain–without a doubt
You always seem to put a smile on my face
With every sight of your subtle grace
You may think you’re weird, quirky, and strange
But I love that–none of it should ever change
You’re beautiful in every way, shape or form
You’re my brightest light in the darkest storm
Your soft voice whispers weightless chimes
And pulls me towards an eternity of endless space and time
When we’re together, I never need to escape reality
Because as long as you’re in it, you’re my only mentality
I lose myself in your soft brown eyes that flutter and shine
Melting me and our love until they mix and entwine
I promise to love you for every moment of forever
And when the world runs out of laughs and hugs, I will never
You have opened my heart and kept it near
You are my everything–my smile, laugh, and tears
I will be your shoulder to cry and lean on
My butterflies for you have never gone
To think of a time without you there
Is something I can hardly bear
But if your feelings ever fade to dust
And if our romance begins to rust
My heart will continue to exist
Knowing that I once had the sweetest gift