Does the app Stop It really work? Stop It is an app that was created to help schools be safe places for students, teachers, and staff. Stop It is used to anonymously report inappropriate actions that happen at school. These reports may contain text, images, or videos. The reporting tools consist of an app and a back-end incident management system for school officials. It is intended to prevent and reduce bullying, cyber abuse, vandalism, and other problematic behaviors.
Does the Stop It app truly offer anonymity? This app provides 100% anonymity and the school is unable to determine who sent a report or message. An end-user has the option to freely include identifying information in the body of their communication or report. At Birmingham Community Charter High School, the school is unable to determine who sent or reported the message. Students are able to report threats of violence, self-harm, and cyberbullying. Stop It gives students the confidence to speak up for themselves and others while also providing the school with the knowledge necessary to keep students safe.
The two Stop It features can be selected by students after inputting their school’s access code. Students will automatically be anonymous when reporting bullying using the Report Button. They can text on their devices and automatically send a picture or video. Students and family members can use social media and other channels to stop harmful and improper behavior that they witness online.
Students can utilize the Stop It app to ask for assistance if they, a friend, or just about anybody believes or knows that they are experiencing personal problems or mental health issues. Using the app, you are able to seek help with bullying and get support for students’ overall mental health.