After four long seasons over eight years, it’s sad that season five (scheduled to be released in 2025) will be the last of the beloved Netflix show, Stranger Things.
This has been a long waiting period for fans. It has been seven months since season four came out, leaving everyone with a shocking ending.
The series started with a group of boys who played Dungeons & Dragons all day in the basement. We saw their friendship take drastic turns during the four seasons, and how much they had grown from being kids to teenagers. It is sad to say but this will be the last time we hear from Mike, Eleven, Will, Lucas, Dustin, and all the other admirable characters we see in the series.
It has been a disappointment to hear this because many fans still want more of this series. When the show first aired in 2016, many people enjoyed that first season and many were even thinking about how the ending would turn out.
I interviewed Jose Barron (a college freshman) and asked his opinion on this being the show’s last season. He stated, “I feel like they should have ended it last season because the actors are getting older and I think they are just doing too much now.” This is true because the actors are getting older and they have better things to do in their busy lives and schedules.
Fans have many theories surrounding this upcoming season. An example of one of the theories is how the series will end. I interviewed Brigitte Macias (12) and asked if she had any theories on the new season. She stated, “I think everyone will die except for Vecna and there will be a time jump.” This is a very interesting theory considering everything that happened in season four. Many fans have concluded that the series will be a game of Dungeons & Dragons.
Many people think new characters are coming into the franchise, but we won’t know much until the season premieres. Many viewers believe this season will focus on our favorite teen, Will. He has had a connection with Vecna since the beginning of the series. Our lovable rock and roll-loving bad boy Eddie Munson is presumed to be alive and will be back next season. There are many theories that our skateboarding princess Max Mayfield will also be a big part of this last season.
According to the Hollywood Reporter, the final season will come in early 2025 or as late as 2026. This long delay was due to the writer’s strike last May which was a huge setback for several major television series. I even asked Macias (12) how she felt about the long delay. She stated, “In shock, it’s taking so long to come out.”
This delay also caused many complications for the show’s writers due to their plans and when they wanted the show to air. This last season will be the most shocking one with all the theories and new characters–which all Stranger Things fans are excited about. This will be the moment that all fans have been waiting for, and now they will get to see if their theories will come true.