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The Patriot Post

The student news site of Birmingham Community Charter High School

The student news site of Birmingham Community Charter High School

The Patriot Post

The student news site of Birmingham Community Charter High School

The Patriot Post

Michelle Blas

Michelle Blas, Sports Editor

Michelle is a 17 year old girl who goes to Birmingham Community Charter High School and loves trying new things. She has been at this school for all four years and loves how much school spirit the school has and the interaction of the students. She is very outgoing and loves to go hiking as a hobby. She enjoys hiking because she feels the most relaxed and stressed free. Michelle also likes to jam out to music while going hiking. A fun fact about her is that she loves coming home from school to a nice and clean room. She gets anxiety if it's not organized and has to maintain the room nice and neat at all times.

Michelle has many goals that she wishes to accomplish. One of them is to go to a four- year college. She recognizes the importance of school and how this will impact her future. She also knows what she wants to major in-- the medical field. Michelle wants to be a pediatrician as her future career. After all, she does love little kids and making others feel good. She thinks it's such a heartwarming feeling to make children feel better and be a doctor at the same time. She has always been interested fulfilling this career and would make her the happiest if she actually accomplished this.

Michelle loves spending time with her family and friends and is usually always around them. Michelle and her best friend always go out for little adventures and have the best times together. They are stuck together like glue and no matter where they go, they always manage to make it fun. They have been to many places together and love exploring and going shopping. One of Michelle's favorite place to go is STARBUCKS. You will usually always catch her there because that's her favorite beverage place to go to. That is her safe place and is almost craving it every day. She will not get tired of it what-so-ever. Fun fact she will probably drink it 4 times a week! Thats her #1 place to go to and will be there on a daily.

All content by Michelle Blas