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The Patriot Post

The student news site of Birmingham Community Charter High School

The student news site of Birmingham Community Charter High School

The Patriot Post

The student news site of Birmingham Community Charter High School

The Patriot Post

Dana Nuqui

Dana Nuqui, Student Life Editor

Dana Nuqui is a 12th grader at Birmingham Community Charter High School who is currently enrolled under the Creative and Liberal Arts (CAL) Academy. She believes that the importance of journalistic writing is a way to express your opinion and perspective to others. “We all have our own view on different things depending on what we’ve seen, read or gone through in our personal lives.” Her role as a Student Life Editor is to write about what students go through in their daily lives at BCCHS. Aside from Journalism, she is actively involved in Birmingham’s Chamber Singers. Outside of school, she spends time singing, playing the guitar, ukulele, and the flute. Her main passion has always mainly been in music but in similarity to writing lyrics, writing stories about your high school life is what any student can relate to.

She also loves spam musubi and green tea lattes. :)

All content by Dana Nuqui
Best Stand Up Comedians of All Time

Best Stand Up Comedians of All Time

Dana Nuqui, Student Life Editor
May 22, 2015
Before They Were Teachers

Before They Were Teachers

Dana Nuqui, Student Life Editor
January 30, 2015
Book Review: The Best of Me

Book Review: The Best of Me

Dana Nuqui, Student Life Editor
November 14, 2014
Seniors Clean Up Lake Balboa Park!

Seniors Clean Up Lake Balboa Park!

Dana Nuqui, Student Life Editor
October 29, 2014
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