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The Patriot Post

The student news site of Birmingham Community Charter High School

The student news site of Birmingham Community Charter High School

The Patriot Post

The student news site of Birmingham Community Charter High School

The Patriot Post

Andrew Aguirre

Andrew Aguirre, Arts & Entertainment Editor

Andrew Aguirre is a 17-year-old senior at Birmingham Charter High School. Some of his hobbies are soccer, music, hanging out with his friends, and going on adventures. Some of his favorite music artists are J. Cole, 21 Savage, and many more. Music has had a big impact on his life because it's helped him through many things. Andrew loves doing anything with his friends, whether it's playing sports or going to amusement parks. He has many traits but two of his main ones are working hard and being determined. One of his greatest achievements was being able to play a soccer match at Sofi Stadium, and to make it even better, he played alongside his little brother who was his goalkeeper. Another big achievement of his was graduating from the California Highway Patrol Academy in Sacramento to be promoted from Explorer Cadet to Explorer.

His best friend just got him into a new hobby and that's going to the gym. He really enjoys it and has new goals set for himself. Some of his favorite teams are the Rams, Dodgers, Real Madrid, and the Mexican international team. Another sport he got himself into was Formula 1--which is very popular over in Europe. He also loves horror movies, video games, and just watching shows in general. He loves to work out because it relieves his stress from all things and finds it fun to do in his free time. He also loves watching Sam & Colby because he loves the suspense and excitement of the videos. What he loves doing most is hanging out with friends and family because he cares for them so much. He loves playing sports with his friends or going out and watching movies of any genre--as long as they have fun.

This is his second year in Journalism writing for The Patriot Post and he loves it, and he hopes to be able to write more stories and help out in class more. As he enters his senior year, he hopes to enjoy his last year of high school in the best possible way. Andrew wants to go to a college or university like USC, UCSB, CSUN, or Fresno State.

All content by Andrew Aguirre